School of Chivalric Martial Arts
Pensacola, FL Study Group
Est. July. 2018
Welcome to SSG Pensacola, established in 2018! We are a small group of compagni looking for anyone who is interested in swordplay as an art. We are primarily using two-handed swords, and are starting to add wrestling to our studies. Our members compete in deeds of arms, HEMA and SCA tournaments throughout the region.
Founded by Josh Beck, David Levine has now capably taken over the reigns and the group continues to grow!
Nylon sword trainers
A mix of HEMA- and medieval style helmets and protective gear
Before sparring, students must become members of the SSG, Inc., which is $35/year.
Currently none. May change if we get our own site.
10am-11am : Advanced open sparring
11am-11:15am: Sparring debrief while waiting for everyone to arrive and prepare for class.
11:30am-noon: Introduction to the day’s primary concept based on Fiore’s manuscript.
Noon-1pm: Coaching the concept/drilling
1pm-2pm: Focused sparring
If you arrive late, please join the group without distracting from the lesson.
Floridatown Park
3900 Floridatown Road
Pace, FL