School of Chivalric Martial Arts

SSG Charleston
Est. 2009
We are currently focused on Fiore's teachings of the Longsword and dagger of the early 15th century. We welcome any and all interested in History, Martial Arts, and specifically Western Martial Arts. Our group focuses mainly on HEMA-style fencing, and we have a small core of dedicated fencers. Founded by JC Conway, the group is being capably led now by Daniel Mclaurin. We meet every Sunday at Gahagan park in Summerville, CA, in the field behind the playground. Come check us out!
We practice in a field next to the playground. The field is surrounded by trees so you can't see it from the parking lot, but if you walk around the playground and beside the restroom building you will see a path leading to the field.
Come on down!
Gahagan Park
184 W Boundary St,
Summerville, SC 29485
Study Group Leader: Daniel Mclaurin
HEMA masks, jackets and feders.
Before sparring, students must become members of the SSG, Inc., which is $35/year.
First class is free; floor fees are TBA