School of Chivalric Martial Arts

Est. 2004
SSG DFW was the second Schola group, founded when Brian R. Price relocated to the DFW area.
We base the core of our work on the fourteenth and early fifteenth century master Fiore dei Liberi, although we also do work from the German, English, Spanish and French manuscripts. We have a dedicated indoor training and competition facility in North Dallas, co-located at the Tiger's Den, 119 Pittsburg St, Dallas, TX 75207. Even though we emphasize historical technique, our training sessions are a blend of warmup, interpretation, drill, and both focused and open sparring. We do tournaments in the medieval format complete with armour, or in light gambesons for those who don't want to or haven't yet assembled a harness. We help you with all of that, however, and we have a very good time doing it.
We have regular classes (see the calendar)for sword, rapier and breadth weapons (basically anything else, ANY THING). Our students are a mix of experienced martial artists who enjoy the cross-training and brand new folks. Our beginner class works equally well for each. Have experience with another sword group? We don't care much about affiliations or politics--we're just about the material and the camaraderie. Any and all like-minded students of the sword, of fencing, or of martial arts are more than welcome to join us.
Thomas Belloma has practices also on Saturdays in Fort Worth, and Andy Borman hosts a rapier and backsword class on Tuesday nights. Sometimes there are classes on Thursdays! See our complete meetup calendar below for details.
Rawlings longswords
HEMA-style masks or helmets
HEMA-style clamshells, though gauntlets are awesome!
Gambesons, some HEMA jackets
Before sparring, students must become members of the SSG, Inc., which is $35/year.
First class is free; floor fees are $50 for as many classes as you want to take!
All Levels
No equipment necessary. Wear comfortable clothing and bring hydration.
Also, last Sunday of the month will now be Tournament Sunday. Class will still be offered 130-3 for folks who can only make it over to the school a couple of times a month.
Tiger's Den Crossfit
119 Pittsburg St.
Dallas, TX 75207
Tiger's Den Crossfit
Suspended during COVID
Fort Worth Practice
No equipment necessary to start. Wear comfortable clothing and bring hydration. Areas of study: sword in one and two hands, dagger, grappling, spear, poleaxe, sword and buckler, etc.
Trinity Park Pavilion
2247 W 7th St
Ft. Worth, TX, 76107